Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Eat, drink and be scary!

Halloween is one of my favorite yearly events.  Having never been able to celebrate as a child of two very Christian parents, I tend to make the most out of the weeks leading up to the big day each year.

This season was no exception, and my favorite activity?  Pumpkin day!

My lovely lady friend and I, with husbands in tow, cooked up a frenzy - pumpkin bread for a plethora of delicious sandwiches, pumpkin cake, mini-pumpkin crème brûlées - and then set to work carving!

Equipped with all the right implements, 'The Shining' playing in the background, we spent hours crafting spine-chilling designs.
The results far surpassed our expectations, as we constructed a horrific zombie, a friendly bat, a fairy tale castle, and an amazingly intricate Mondrian-eque pumpkin.
Also designed by the gang - a cleverly rendered Pumpkthulu, a druid painstakingly done in relief, and an angry little pumpkin man.  Alas, as my carving skills are not up to par with the rest of the group, I proudly stuck with my castle!
A lovely, memorable and festive night - a wish I hope for you all on this spookiest of ghoulish evenings!

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